Upcoming Events

Virtual Naloxone training
Naloxone is an FDA approved medication designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. It can reverse and block the effects of other opioids, such as heroin, morphine, and oxycodone.
Naloxone works in 2-3 minutes It can be administered by anyone It does not cause harm Naloxone Saves Lives.

Join us for the second annual Milford Festival for Mental Health on May 3, 2025! This event is a collaboration between The Alexander Jordan Jamieson Foundation, Walks with Buddy Inc, and MPC. The event runs from noon to 4pm and has live music all day from AJJ Student bands and JUKEBOX RADIO!!! This is event is free and will also have food trucks, vendors, and local resources.
If you were with us last year, you remember the Tug of War Contest! That will take place at 2pm. Registration is open for teams of 10 max. Register your team or make a donation to an existing team here: https://givebutter.com/Cqt2tq
Additionally, if you are a nonprofit, 50% of any funds your team raises will be shared with you! Contact info@milfordprevention.org for more information.

MPC Coalition Meetings
Held on the second Wednesday of the month at 3pm, in person at United Way Milford. Our coalition meetings showcase speakers on important topics and bring together leaders in our community to address issues affecting our youth. These meetings are open to all community members. Email: info@milfordprevention.org for more information.
Ride for Hope
This annual motorcycle ride fundraiser helps raise awareness and support for overdose prevention and the efforts of MPC. The ride spans more than 50 miles and attracts riders from all over the state to enjoy food and camaraderie. Learn more at www.rideforhope.org.

Drug Take Back Day
Held twice per year (October and April), drug take back day gives the community the opportunity to safely dispose of all unwanted drugs and keep them out of the hands of youth. This event would not be possible without the help of the Milford Police Department and the Citizens Police Academy! Since 2012, 5,621.35 pounds of unwanted and expired drugs have been collected and kept off the street!!
Walk Milford Challenge
One of our most favorite events! Created by Walks with Buddy, Inc, this event raises awareness and funds for mental health and suicide awareness. This year's event is September 8, 2024. You can sign up for the event at walkmilfordchallenge.org